Welcome to The Trendy Files 4.0

After 6 and a half years, 4 logo updates, and countless blog changes I give you The Trendy Files 4.0. Since I barley touched my blog in the past two years and my Instagram game was severely lacking, I knew I needed to do something to reinvigorate my passion with it. It was either that or time to call it quits with The Trendy Files. Which to be honest was a terrifying thought to me. The Trendy Files has been my brand for the majority of my twenties, and deep down I just knew I wasn’t ready to let go of it yet.

On top of the whirlwind past couple of years we’ve all experienced, last fall I hit rock bottom personally. I’ve talked about this a bit on my Instagram, but my anxiety was at an all new low. I’ve always has anxiety, but I always found a way to just deal with it. But when I had the worst panic attack of my life and was living in fear everyday, it became very clear it was time I finally seek out professional help. I went to my doctor, was prescribed anxiety medication and got referrals to a counsellor. I’ve spent the past four months doing the work for myself. I’ve started gratitude journaling, keeping up with consistent workouts and slowly but surely my creativity and passion for The Trendy Files came back.

Hence the reason for this re-brand. As I settle into my late twenties and start to feel so much better mentally, I knew it was time to put my creative energy into a new look for The Trendy Files. I wanted something that resonated with who I am today. With the mature, calm, and neutral vibes I try to accomplish in my style and decor. I wanted that to reflect in my brand. This brand is me, The Trendy Files and Vanessa are one in the same and that needed to be apparent again.

Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve been through three previous logos designs, all which were true to who I was and what I loved at that point in my life. Today I can say the same thing about my new branding. I wanted to create mature, yet modern branding that in all honesty I could grow with. One that five years down the line I could still be happy with, and if I’m not, no big deal. Again this blog/brand reflects me and even though the essence of who I am remains the same my style has evolved and I’ve matured. So with that welcome to The Trendy Files 4.0, I’m happy that you’ve stopped by.

xo, V